At the beginning of this month Mr. H. and I went for a hike in the region Wiener Alpen. We wanted to climb up to the Großer Otter. I had suggested that we go to the Wasserlochklamm because at that time there was still a lot of water in the waterfalls, but Mr. H. wanted something that is closer. However, as it turned out, most hikes in that region were still unwalkable because of the damages caused by the flood. Of course I looked in the internet if the trail was closed but found nothing.
We started in Maria Schutz and had difficulties finding the right way in the beginning. In the middle of the forest path there was something like a small dried out river bed, but that was not really dangerous. After almost two hours of climbing uphill we arrived at a fork and realized that the way that we had come up was closed. But unfortunately the way to the Großer Otter was closed as well. We thought a few minutes about what to do and decided to ingore the closure. After about five minutes we arrived at a minor landslide and crossed it carefully. But after another five minutes of walking there was another landslide which was not quite minor. It consisted of intermediate sized rocks and stones and on top of everything was a fallen tree. Mr. H. said that he would like to try to cross the landslide but won't do it if I decide to go back (he doesn't even go hiking alone). I thought about his suggestion for about two minutes but then decided to turn back and so we did.
We basically had no other choice than walking down to Gloggnitz, mostly on a raod that was made for cars. However, I saw on the map that there was a forest way as well and eventually we chose that one. The whole terrain did not look dangerous, however, there were a few fallen trees. I found a huge mushroom and let Mr. H. take a photo of me with it.

Shortly before we reached Gloggnitz there was a fallen tree blocking the way whose trunk was pretty large. Mr. H. had no problems climing over it because he is taller than me. But I needed a few minutes to climb over it. Somehow I managed to do it though. Mr. H. was already like 200 meters ahead of me. And I think just a few meters after that big tree trunk there was another fallen tree. It looked like it was easy to walk around it, but when I was about to step back to the trail I fell. I fell against a standing tree, hurting my chin, my back and my left shoulder. I can still feel the pain a little. Clearly this could have been much worse. I was having difficulties getting up again because I was trapped in some kind of chest, composed of the terrain falling down and the tree. I shouted for help. Mr. H. was instantly there, but he was just standing there for about a minute, obviously not knowing what to do. I told him to take my backpack. After that I was able to get out of the "chest" on my own. My chin was bleeding and I asked him to put a plaster on it because I did not see where the injury was. But I let him convince me that it was better to not put anything on it because none of my plasters had the right size. I think it was just too much for him to choose between the many different plasters.
At this point I want to share an information that you might already have guessed: Mr. H. is autistic. He had told me about his condition in one of his first emails, because when he found this website and read parts of my blog he thought that I was autistic too. Until this hike I thought that his autism was mild but... meanwhile I am wondering: am I safer with or without him? Clearly, if I had been alone, I would't have ignored the closure. A few days later I asked him that we try to keep an eye on each other more during our hikes and to try to help me more when it's necessary. He thanked me, but added that I probably have to tell him more what to do. At the moment I want to continue hiking with him because of our friendship. Some of my friends are upset about me saying and thinking such things, because clearly it's not his fault that he behaves like he does. They say I have no empathy. But maybe I should't risk my safetly because I feel sorry for him?
A few days ago I made the first solo hike after my father's death. Mr. H. had told me that he was ill. I think it was the fifth part of the Welterbesteig Wachau, from Spitz to Mühldorf. It's an easy hike but a bit exhausting. Very nice hike, but I think all parts of the Welterbesteig are highly recommended during this season.
The last two pics I edited on my new laptop. It is a 3000 euro laptop that was on sale, and has a 4K DCI-P3 screen. darktable performance is not optimal even though it has a proper video card as well, clearly because of the highres screen. Not sure if shopping helps overcoming my sadness and grief... All journeys are cancelled for now. Even though I actually bought the laptop for working abroad.