Other articles

  1. La mer raciste

    Published: Di 04 Juni 2024
    By anna

    It was a great journey, even though or maybe because I didn't really choose this destination. I arrived in Rennes I think on May 7 rather late in the evening. On the next day, Tom Techner and I made a trip to Saint Malo. It was low tide and the …

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  2. Kleiner Sonnstein & Puchberg

    Published: Mo 29 April 2024
    By anna

    So, according to Matomo the visitors from libregraphicsmeeting.org are coming to this website. That is good!

    I made two hikes this month: the first one to the Kleiner Sonnstein at the Traunsee, and the second around Puchberg am Schneeberg. Landscape-wise, both of them are awesome and highly recommnded, but …

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  3. Why girls don't choose STEM, etc.

    Published: Mo 01 April 2024
    By anna

    During the past weeks I have been communicating with Johannes Hanika irregularly. The topic of our emails is mostly vkdt. But sometimes he wirtes one or two scentences about things that are going on in his life. A few weeks ago he happend to mention that he is unhappy about …

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  4. More memories and two hikes

    Published: Fr 09 Februar 2024
    By anna

    I found more good shots among the old Tenerife photos. This one is quite popular on Pixelfed:


    This is one of my personal favorites:


    I made two more hikes in January. One of them was this one. A highly recommended hike, especially combined with this. I think I need to …

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  5. Memories of Tenerife

    Published: Sa 06 Jänner 2024
    By anna

    Not much news during the past weeks, not many new thoughts either. But it's time for another post. I only made one hike a few days ago through the Höllental with two friends. I had to look through old photos because I was running out of them, but I discovered …

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  6. Servus d*signweek, Python & the first snow

    Published: Fr 08 Dezember 2023
    By anna

    Another month has passed and it was a very busy month. I only had time for one hike.

    At the end of November I sent a short book/exhibition review to Munich (but the exhibition catalogue was not so short), a few days ago I sent a 25.000 character …

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  7. Wachau, geotagging, dumb phones etc.

    Published: So 05 November 2023
    By anna

    I made several hikes during the past weeks. Yesterday I walked the Welterbesteig Wachau part 12 from Rossatz to Oberbergern. Easy hike, if not very easy, highly recommended though the landscape is not quite as impressive as around Spitz or Weißenkirchen, or Aggstein. I had to walk some extra kilometers …

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  8. Fresh air everywhere

    Published: Mi 04 Oktober 2023
    By anna

    Not much news during the past weeks. I think almost 4 weeks ago I made a hike on the Rax. I walked down from the Rax to the Höllental through the Großer Kesselgraben. According to this book it's an easy hike, but really it's a hike that has several easy …

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