Before I start writing about my hikes, I want to make two corrections: in my recent review about Kubuntu 24.10, it is stated twice that Debian Stable is the base for Ubuntu. Obviously this is nonsense because Ubuntu is based on Debian Testing, partly even Sid and Experimental. Naturally this was not in my original text but was introduced by the editor, unfortunately. And many other things were changed, too, which is also quite unfortunate. Another mistake was introduced by the editor in my report about LGM 2024, where you can read that the meetings before Covid took place in Europe and Africa. In the original text it was "Europe and the American continent", because it was mostly Europe, several times Canada, once Brasil and I think once the US.
So I think I made two hikes since the last post. The first one was from Payerbach to the Looshaus am Kreuzberg. This is a nice hike, more than half of the trail follows the valley of a creek, with lots of small, mostly artificial waterfalls. However, it's not in the forest or a natural trail but asphalted roadway. And of course it must be much more beautilful when there is snow, which was not the case when I made the hike. So it's definitely an easy hike.
The second hike we made a week ago through the Blockheide near Gmünd in the Waldviertel. This destination is not so famous and advertised, but highly recommended. The huge round rocks covered by moss are quite similar to the rocks in the Naturpark Mühlviertel. Although the hike is sometimes advertised as intermediate, it is definitely easy.
This pic was taken with my smartphone by Mr. H.:
While we were sitting in the train on the way to Gmünd, I tried to explain to him that during our hikes, we both carry the responsabilty for our safety together. He just listened and smiled, I think he did not understand what I was trying to say.
Finally, a pic of my dad in the cemetery of Granada, I took it in February 2009. In the background you can see the Sierra Nevada.